Teaching Experience

My teaching experiences includes courses in marketing, economics, and sports business. I have taught courses on the following topics:

  • Marketing Analytics

  • Introduction to Marketing

  • Consumer Neuroscience

  • Economic and Financial Aspects of Sports Business

  • Behavioral Economics

  • Experimental Economics

  • Microeconomic Theory

My experience includes courses at both the undergraduate and MBA level. I have designed and taught courses at Pomona College, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and the Lundquist College of Business at the University of Oregon.

While at Pomona College I won the Wig Distinguished Professor Award for excellence in teaching.

Marketing Analytics

Lundquist College of Business (MKTG415/515)
Winter 2022, Winter 2023, Fall 2023, Winter 2024

We now live in a world where data are everywhere. Most companies have access to tremendous amounts of consumer data, but few can capitalize on it. In other words, data alone is not sufficient to generate revenue and increase profit. Converting data into increased business performance requires the ability to extract insights from data through analytics. This course covers the three pillars of analytics—descriptive, predictive and prescriptive—within the marketing context. Students will be exposed to several methods such as linear regression, logistic regression, clustering, customer choice, conjoint, natural language processing, and machine learning methods. We will learn how to employ these methods for such managerial decisions as demand forecasting, pricing, and valuing customers.

Marketing Management

Lundquist College of Business (MKTG311)
Winter 2019, Winter 2020, Winter 2021

This course is devoted to the study of marketing and the marketing system involved with the task of creating, pricing, distributing and promoting products and services. In order to survive in the contemporary business world, organizations have to continually bring new ideas and products/services to the market. In addition, existing products have to be strategically managed to remain relevant in dynamic, competitive environments. The overall purpose of this course is to acquaint business majors with the application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of the theories and practice of marketing. This course will require students to develop a marketing plan based on an understanding of issues associated with price and cost, buying behavior, market segmentation, and other marketing topics as they apply to marketing goods and services. Methods of instruction will include lectures, article discussions, case discussions, group assignments, and final group projects.

Economic Aspects of Sport

Lundquist College of Business (SBUS655)
Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021, Fall 2022

The course is intended to provide students with comprehensive coverage of the many traditional and innovative revenue acquisition methods available to sport organizations. Along with conventional income sources such as tax support, municipal and corporate bonds, ticket sales, and licensing, students will receive in-depth exposure to more recent innovations related to the sale and distribution of media rights, the sale and activation of corporate sponsorships, and successful fundraising programs. Best practices related to venue-based income sources such as personal seat licenses (PSLs), premium seating, and the sale of naming rights are given extensive coverage. Finally, students will be exposed to an array of private-public partnership models (P3s) that have emerged as the preeminent project development model for new sports facilities.

Consumer Neuroscience

The Wharton School (MKTG350\850)
Spring 2018

How can studying the brain improve our understanding of consumer behavior? While neuroscience made tremendous strides throughout the 20th century, rarely were mean- ingful applications developed outside of medicine. Recently, however, breakthroughs in measurement and computation have accelerated brain science and created a dizzying array of opportunities in business and technology. Currently, applications to marketing research and product development are experiencing explosive growth that has been met with both excitement and skepticism. This mini-course provides an overview of the neuroscience behind and the potential for these developments. Topics will range from well-known and widely used applications, such as eye-tracking measures in the lab and the field, to emerging methods and measures, such as mobile technologies, face-reading algorithms, and neural predictors of market response. The course will also discuss applications in branding and product development, including wearable physiological devices and apps, sensory branding for foods and fragrances, pharmaceuticals and medical devices, and neuroscience-based products designed to enhance cognitive functions. These applications stem from many subfields of cognitive neuroscience, including attention, emotion, memory, and decision making. This course is self-contained and has no prerequisites. However, students with some background in business, economics, psychology, and/or neuroscience are likely to find the material covered in this course complementary to their existing knowledge.

Behavioral Economics

Pomona College (ECON130)
Fall 2014, Spring 2016, Spring 2017

This course introduces students to the field of behavioral economics, which aspires to enrich the standard economic model by incorporating psychological and biological mechanisms. We will explore a wide variety of behavioral phenomena and evaluate some non-standard models developed to account for those phenomena. As we progress through the course, many of the concepts we discuss will appear connected. A question we will regularly consider, since it is good economics, is what underlying mechanism(s) might account for many of the observed behaviors. Once we have an understanding of how to model and measure various phenomena, we can also ask what might be done to improve public policy.

Intermediate Economics

Pomona College (ECON102)
Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Fall 2016

This course is an introduction to formal microeconomic theory. Broadly speaking, microeconomics is the study of economic agents making constrained decisions and the implications of those decisions for market phenomena. We will look at situations where individuals, firms, governments, or other agents must make choices in circumstances where resources are limited. A core goal for this course is to give students a formal foundation for how to develop intuition for and make predictions about economic choices.

Although this course emphasizes theory, it is important to keep reality in mind. Once we have the building blocks and appreciate their elegance, it will be beneficial to consider when and where to appropriately employ the theories we have learned. As time permits, we will also explore when and how to relax some of the standard assumptions.

Experimental Economics

Pomona College (ECON190)
Spring 2015, Spring 2016

This senior seminar will introduce students to the methodology and application of experiments in economics. This is a capstone course, so students are expected to apply their knowledge towards economic questions that can be answered with experiments.

There are two core goals for this seminar and they will be accomplished in parallel. First, all students should aim to become acquainted with the existing literature on a topic of interest in experimental economics. This will be accomplished by reading and synthesizing academic papers. Second, all students should gain a strong introduction to the science (and art) of running economic experiments. This will also be accomplished by reading existing papers, but more importantly by experiencing and designing experiments.